• Crawling meta-data details of patents from USPTO, WIPO, SIPO, Indian patent sites.
  • Crawling and parsing USPTO patent data from Google patents site.
  • AnalyZing the weightage, originality, generality of Patents.
  • Generating various reports on IPC, year, country-wise, Industry-wise patent counts.
  • Data mining projects
  • Accessed Los Alamos National Labs™ cluster of 100+ nodes to: - Submit, process and collate billions of rows of data , - Run parallel programs on nodes using python
  • Series of citation analysis, journal dating and other sociological data-mining projects
  • Series of citation analysis, journal dating and other sociological data-mining projects
  • Used PUBMED and ISI databases to mine data and analyze results
  • Work results used in Journal papers and research in Sociology Department
  • Multiple projects spanning several months involving data gathering and processing
  • Creating facebook applications based on client requirement
  • crawling of data over period of time for a research project
  • Data collection and processing of large set of Scopus(™) data.
  • Obtain publications per author per year from the Scopus dataset.
  • Obtain the index keywords in those publications and calculate various parameter based on the formulaes provided.
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